Seminole FL


Seminole FL is a city in Florida. The city is on the west coast of Florida. It has been growing and expanding for over 100 years. There are parks, museums, trails and waterways all across Seminole FL.

The population of Seminole FL as of 2011 was near 30 thousand people. The town has grown from just a few hundred people back in the 1920’s to it’s current state today.

In 2013 there were around 4 thousand homes bought by residents. The average age of these home owners was middle aged adults around 46 years old. This means that families have moved into Seminole FL which contribute to the large number of children living in the area with their parents or grandparents who may also live in Seminole FL too!

The nearby coastline of Seminole FL has beautiful beaches for anyone to enjoy. This is a great nature lover getaway spot as there are plenty of parks in the area where you can go and explore or take part in outdoor activities. Don’t forget to visit our St. Pete Beach service page for more information on our services.


Business Information:

Gulf Coast Heating & AC of Seminole
10067 Panama Ct, Seminole FL, 33776


Points Of Interest:

Seminole City Park

Seminole Recreation Division

Lake Seminole Park

Seminole Lake Country Club

Blossom Lake Park